Banned Books Week at Champlain College

Banned Books Week - Celebrating the Freedom to Read - September 25 through October 1, 2016 - Defend the first amendment, read a banned book

Join us in celebrating Banned Books Week from Sunday, September 25th-Saturday, October 1st.

Every year in September, we celebrate Banned Books Weeks to observe the importance of the First Amendment, raise awareness around the dangers of censorship, and celebrate our freedom to read.

You will recognize many of the books that have been banned from libraries and classrooms across the US. In fact, you may have read and loved many of them, which might make you wonder why they have been banned. This occurs when a person or group finds the book objectionable for reasons  such as profanity, sexuality, religion, or other topics considered ‘unpopular’ or ‘unorthodox.’

However, libraries promote the freedom to express all opinions, even if they are seen as challenging, unpopular or objectionable by some. We believe it is important for these viewpoints to be available for anyone who wishes to read them. To learn more, check out our library displays devoted to banned books. You can even pick up some sweet buttons and other fun swag to help us celebrate Banned Books Week.

Frequently banned & challenged titles to explore…

GoodReads, Banned Books. Lists of banned books compiled by and tagged as “banned” by readers. Lots of provocative and controversial books inside!

American Library Association (ALA), Frequently Challenged Books of the 21st Century. “Each year, the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom compiles a list of the top ten most frequently challenged books in order to inform the public about censorship in libraries and schools. The ALA condemns censorship and works to ensure free access to information.”


For more information on Banned Books Week, visit